How far are you on the journey towards leadership success? Dr Bill Price is a world class executive coach who specialises in neuroscience-based leadership growth. In this post he identifies several factors that will help you become more successful as a leader. Over and above that, and his clever use […]

Healthy Living is the art of looking after your intelligent biology. Love yourself and love your brain and conscious mind. Dr Bill Prices shares a dozen practical tips that he has personally found to foster healthy living. Most people face the same issues when it comes to developing a healthier […]

Internationally acclaimed master coach, Dr Bill Price reflects on how coaching can help one succeed in your chosen field and ensure you live a life of no regrets. ”If you had to continue EXACTLY AS YOU ARE NOW, with no changes, where would you be in three years time? And […]

Many managers and leaders have a finish line somewhere in their heads that describes what a successful career looks like, feels like and sounds like. To the exceptional ones, this picture is a vivid one. Unfortunately, when they get to that picture in real life, they are often disillusioned and […]