If you’re looking to redesign your future, neuroscience can deliver significant gains. In a recent presentation, Dr Bill Price offers coaching to ‘Calibrate your past journey, 2023, and recalibrate a new reality for 2024 – the neuroscience way!’
Are you ready to redesign your future? Don’t wait for when you think is the right time to refine your thinking. Now is the time to be proactive and put the changes in place you need to recalibrate a new reality in the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world we exist in.
Firstly, we need to learn from our past journey by determining what we did last year. How did your team / business fare in 2023? Without an accurate assessment of our previous performance we can’t really take the corrective steps needed. In fact, prescription without diagnosis is malpractice! So it’s important to know where we’ve been to work towards where we are going.
So look at the past year and LEARN FROM IT. As Einstein said,” We cannot – dare not, use the same kind of thinking that got us where we are right now, to get us to where we want to be….. expecting different results!” Are you going to strategise to engage 2024 in the same ways you usually think? And EXPECT DIFFERENT RESULTS?
Redesign your future with Dr Bill Price and neuroscience
Watch this brilliant, practical and empowering coaching session, where you can work on your strategy, tactics and business plan to achieve so much more in 2024, beyond the VUCA reality.
Discover how to think with clarity and perspective to redesign your future and create the environment you believe you and your team and business deserves. Allow the power of Neuroplasticity – how your mind works – rather than relying on old mindsets and personality tendencies…
Experience how to apply leadership nurturing of your vision plan, team’s total potential and how your leading of others will cross divides that are holding your team and yourself back like a ‘dragging anchor’. Become aware how to facilitate your combined recourses to counter the realities you and others are attempting to outwit and outlast your unfolding future.
Let’s STOP BEING REACTIVE! And, experience THE QUALITY and PROFESSIONALISM of the principles, tools and techniques of Neuroplasticity, brilliantly presented by the number one Master Neuroplasticity Practitioner, Dr Bill Price.
Recalibrate a new reality for 2024 the neuroscience way
Watch as Dr Bill looks at past and future reality and how you can survive in the VUCA world as you redesign your future. The presentation is a recording of one of his SYNAPSES* held online via Zoom.
A synapse is a place in the brain where intelligence, energy, neuroscience-chemicals creates… Where a neuron sends a message to a target, another cell, creating triggers that release neurotransmitters. A space of action and potential… A space you want to be part of!
Also read: Take ownership of your life picture – where will you be in 3 years?