Want a life of no regrets? It helps to have a coach

Internationally acclaimed master coach, Dr Bill Price reflects on how coaching can help one succeed in your chosen field and ensure you live a life of no regrets.

”If you had to continue EXACTLY AS YOU ARE NOW, with no changes, where would you be in three years time? And what would you regret?”

A man confronted with this question came face to face with the need to change to ensure he would ultimately live a life of no regrets. On the surface he was not unsuccessful but, tired of chugging along, achieving targets without challenge, he realised that he had lost the inner drive to make a meaningful contribution to society.

He started to believe that he could achieve more than he was presently achieving. He knew he was worth more than just his salary. The challenge for this man was to act on his belief and he quickly realised this could be done most effectively by partnering with a personal life and business coach.

What excuses surface in your mind when you face the possibility of change, along with a required commitment? Is it yesterday’s pain? Tomorrow’s uncertainty? The government? Your boss? To live life fully, to ensure a life with no regrets, we need to take ownership of our successes to date, our failures, procrastination, relationships, spirituality and spiritual condition.

Breathe in and say out loud: ”I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY LIFE!” Once you are able to say this sentence, you open the door to a conscious life. Next, consider the self-assessment questions provided at the end of this article. For Betsie, an administrator, these were a key deciding factor that helped her to opt for coaching. She realised that the ability to self-examine in this way was the first step towards not living as a victim of circumstance and excuses. She opted to live a life of no regrets.

a life of no regrets
You can life a life of no regrets, especially if you are prepared to take advantage of external input that will help you steer your life in such away that you avoid making past mistakes.

Embrace a life of no regrets

Time, cost and timing are the common objections to any form of external input like having a coach.

In my experience as an executive coach, the timid and critical soul is poised to stigmatise the process of coaching as yet another crutch for those in trouble, not able to ‘get a grip’. The courageous and determined soul on the other hand, recognises the value of external input.

 However, “To be at the top of your game you need to be totally committed to becoming the best version of self you can be.” This is the voice of experience from a senior personal assistant in a blue chip company. Life-long learning is a reality that has hit hard in recent years, as we struggle, not only for corporate dominance but to keep up with the basics of everyday, including new technology.

To remain in the race, every area of life demands that we actively search knowledge and ‘how to’; it’s a dynamic life-literacy that brings greater value to our organisations, relationships and life in general.

The world of work specifically demands that we constantly become more competent at what we do and how we do things. Having an accountability partner that edits our lives, actions and thoughts can be catalyst for success.

The art is to be self-aware and alert; to spot our own strengths in action. But we also need an ‘early warning system’ against the bias that we develop about ourselves. People living in a state of unconsciousness become victims of circumstance. Partnering with a coach before this unhappy state sets in means we have to take stock and take action.

A friend of mine loves telling his students that Eric Clapton still goes for guitar lessons. He is not learning the basics, nor is he struggling with technique. He is simply submitting to the input of another person whom he respects. He needs to consciously open up to new ideas and probing questions to keep reaching UP. Therein is the art and success of the coaching partnership. How coachable are you?

Do this self-assessment by answering TRUE or FALSE to each statement.

  • I am eager to make meaningful improvements in my business, career or life, having handled (or am currently addressing) any psychological issues with professional help;
  • I am willing to do the work required and understand that the success of the coaching process depends on my input as much as on that of the coach;
  • I have set ambitious goals to strive towards and am ready and eager to tackle them. I am willing to try different ways of doing things and will give my coach the benefit of the doubt. I understand that for coaching to be successful I will need to look at things differently and learn new skills and habits;
  • I will be open and truthful with my coach if I’m not getting what I think I need or expected;
  • I will do the things I say I’ll do. If something is difficult for me I will discuss this with my coach so that we can work around it;
  • I want and can handle honest feedback;
  • I am able to make the commitment of time for scheduled appointments and work required between appointments;
  • I understand that achieving goals takes time; I will commit to the period of time required to reach my goals;
  • I am ready to stop or change self-defeating behaviour; and
  • I see coaching as a worthwhile investment in my life. I have prioritised my finances so that I have adequate funds to see the process through to conclusion.


If you answered TRUE to most of these statements it shows that you are open to input and you will definitely benefit from a coaching partnership. Revisit the statements you considered as FALSE and ponder what could be hindering you to be open in those areas.

Feel free to contact me your comments and let’s start a healthy debate around coaching and how it can contribute to a life with no regrets.

Register for Dr Bill Price’s Masterclass on Living a life with fewer regrets. You can also email Dr Price at bill.price@me.com.

Also read: Forget the small stuff – discover your greater purpose in life

Bill Price

Dr Bill Price is an international speaker, author and executive coach. Dr Price is based in South Africa where he is well known as a leading Neuroscience practitioner and strategic sage who guides individuals, businesspeople and corporate leaders to achieve their full potential. He also helps empowers people in their personal lives around the themes, of leadership, getting the most out of life and relationships. Consider participating in one of Dr Bill Price's coaching courses or consider attending one of his free 'Synapses'. These neuroscience based webinars are held twice a month over Zoom dealing with a variety of different topics.

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