In the hustle and bustle of modern leadership, it’s easy to fall into the trap of managing through personality rather than understanding the intricate workings of the human brain. We’ve been taught to categorize individuals into boxes, whether it’s based on personality types or behavioral assessments. But what if I […]
If you’re looking to redesign your future, neuroscience can deliver significant gains. In a recent presentation, Dr Bill Price offers coaching to ‘Calibrate your past journey, 2023, and recalibrate a new reality for 2024 – the neuroscience way!’ Are you ready to redesign your future? Don’t wait for when you […]
Neuroplasticity describes the brain’s extraordinary capacity to change and rewire itself through learning experiences. Dr Bill Price is a Master Neuroplastician Certified Practitioner who offers free Synapse sessions online each month geared at empowering senior leaders through a neuroscience approach to all facets of business. In this post, you can […]
The following is an edited transcript of Dr Justin James Kennedy interviewing Dr Bill Price. Both are neuroscience experts who believe neuroplasticity has much to offer the world of business as part of a specific focus on executive coaching. You can also watch the video of this interview in our […]
Central to neuroscience, the 7 brain languages offer a comprehensive framework for understanding and enhancing communication. Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction, shaping our relationships, understanding, and collaboration. While spoken and written language are the most common forms of communication, there are additional ‘brain languages’ that impact how we […]
Dr Bill Price talks to journalist, Al Gibson on the Neuroscience of Things Spiritual. (see video below) Dr Bill is a neuro-based Executive Leadership Coach and happens to be a former pastor who has led several growing congregations. Following a run-in with burnout, he had to reinvent his life and […]
Dr Bill Price outlines some of the characteristics or resilience competencies we need to develop in order to bounce back from adversity. Embrace these intentionally in your life and increase your capacity to never give up. The 12 resilience competencies work together to help you recover from tough times and […]
Do you need to heal trauma you’ve experienced recently or shock and anguish you haven’t dealt with since childhood? Perhaps a past relationship creates feelings of guilt, upset or panic. In this post we look at trauma, how it comes into our lives at any point and harms us in […]