In this video presentation Dr Bill Price looks at team influence from a neuroscience perspective. Watching this 45 minute presentation will help you answer the following important questions. The Neuroscience Approach to Team Influence is part of Dr Bill Price’s Neuroscience of Things Series focusing on: Leading, Managing, Selling, Marketing, […]
Do you ever feel the need to heal your mind? In this blog post Dr Bill Price looks at this topic in his usual reassuring way. Some weeks are harder than others and your normal recovery practices just aren’t enough. So here are some extra ways to heal your mind after a […]
In this blog post Dr Bill Price looks at ‘wholeness’ or the concept of ‘being whole’, and what that means in life and love. Something I often hear people talking about, as an executive coach and neuroplastician is the concept of being whole. It is also a topic that is […]
Increasingly, today’s leaders are seeing the need to implement a coaching and mentoring audit of the people they lead. The reason being that this will identify any deficits in their workforce, be it in a corporation, non-profit organisation or small team. They can then implement a coaching and mentoring programme […]
In the hustle and bustle of modern leadership, it’s easy to fall into the trap of managing through personality rather than understanding the intricate workings of the human brain. We’ve been taught to categorize individuals into boxes, whether it’s based on personality types or behavioral assessments. But what if I […]
Welcome to the world of Neuroscience Selling which can help you overcome the challenges of today’s VUCA environment. Living in Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous times demands a shift in our selling skills. In this landscape, the revolutionary approach of neuroscience selling emerges as the key to unlocking unprecedented success. What […]
Sadly we have all had to deal with a toxic colleague or boss at some point. What do you do when the pressure of work gets too much and relationships start to sour? Dr Bill Price shares some helpful insights he has learnt over many decades of executive coaching. Amazing […]
If you’re looking to redesign your future, neuroscience can deliver significant gains. In a recent presentation, Dr Bill Price offers coaching to ‘Calibrate your past journey, 2023, and recalibrate a new reality for 2024 – the neuroscience way!’ Are you ready to redesign your future? Don’t wait for when you […]
Welcome to the neuroscience of things, where neuroscientist, Dr Bill Price focuses on the neuroscience of teams and teamwork. This article is my response to some of the CEOs I coach. One requested I spend time with him and his team, another asked for “team time” with her top managers, […]
Neuroplasticity describes the brain’s extraordinary capacity to change and rewire itself through learning experiences. Dr Bill Price is a Master Neuroplastician Certified Practitioner who offers free Synapse sessions online each month geared at empowering senior leaders through a neuroscience approach to all facets of business. In this post, you can […]